create-placeable - Convert items model to placeable model
create-placeable [--help|-h] [--version|-V] [--verbose|-v]
[--config config-file]
[--output|-o filename]
[--axis|-a axis]
[--angle|-A angle]
[--quaternion|-q quaternion]
[--utp|-u utp-number]
[--utpname|-N utp-name]
[--utpclass|-C utp-class]
filename ...
create-placeable --help
create-placeable takes item model mdb files (usually 3, having a,
b, and c parts), and creates one output mdb file having different
name, and renaming each mesh inside to have new name matching the
output placeable.
In case --output parameter is given then output is written to that
file, otherwise first input file name is used to create output name,
by removing the model part letter from the end and adding plc_ prefix
to the name.
- --help -h
Prints out the usage information.
- --version -V
Prints out the version information.
- --verbose -v
Enables the verbose prints. This option can be given multiple times,
and each time it enables more verbose prints.
- --config config-file
All options given by the command line can also be given in the
configuration file. This option is used to read another configuration
file in addition to the default configuration file.
- --output -o filename
Output file name.
- [--axis|-a axis]
Set the axis of the rotation for the next Angle option. Axis is given
as vector having 3 floats, in xyz format. I.e. '0 0 1' specifies the
z-axies for rotation. There can be multiple axis and angles, but they
must always come in pairs.
- [--angle|-A angle]
Rotate the object around the axis given with --axis option with given
angle in degres. There can be multiple axis and angles, but they must
always come in pairs.
- [--adjust|-j]
If given tries to adjust the angle to make the object flat on the
ground. Can only be used if axis is x or z.
- [--quaternion|-q quaternion]
Set the rotation as quaternion. Given as 4 floats separated by spaces.
- [--utp|-u utp-number]
If given then genereate utp placeable blueprint using this as a
appearance number. The entry to the placeables.2da needs to be added
manually still, but this make placeable blueprint and sets the name
and class as given in the options below.
- [--utpname|-N utp-name]
Set the name of the bluepritn to utp-name. If not given then default
to the output filename.
- [--utpclass|-C utp-class]
Set the classification of the blueprint to utp-class. If not given
then default to the output filename, so that plc_ prefix and numbers
at the end are removed, and all underscores are changed to hierarchy.
create-placeable w_whamr01_*.mdb
create-placeable -o plc_warhammer.mdb w_whamr01_[abc].mdb
- ~/.createplaceablerc
Default configuration file.
remove-roof(1), trnprint(1), Trn(3), TrnWrite(3)
and TrnRead(3).
Tero Kivinen <>.
This program was created to make placeable models from each item model
in the game, so we can place those on the ground.