erfunpack - UnPack erf file
erfpack [--help|-h] [--version|-V] [--verbose|-v]
[--config config-file]
[--dir|-d directory]
[filename ...]
erfunpack --help
erfunpack takes erf and unpacks it to given directory (-d) or to
the current directory. If -m is given then the directory is created
if it does not exists.
- --help -h
Prints out the usage information.
- --version -V
Prints out the version information.
- --verbose -v
Enables the verbose prints. This option can be given multiple times,
and each time it enables more verbose prints.
- --config config-file
All options given by the command line can also be given in the
configuration file. This option is used to read another configuration
file in addition to the default configuration file.
- --dir -d directory
Output directory (default is current directory).
- --mkdir -m
Create the output directory before extracting files.
- --no-write -n
Do not write anything to disk, but otherwise parse the erf.
erfunpack -d xx -m foo.erf
erfunpack ../cerea109o.mod
erfunpack -d 109o -m cerea109.mod
- ~/.erfunpackrc
Default configuration file.
erfpack(1), gffprint(1), Erf(3), and ErfWrite(3).
Tero Kivinen <>.