IETF Strong Primes

This directory contains the primality proofs for various IETF primes. All this primes are Sophie-Germain primes meaning that in addition the prime p being prime the (p-1)/2 is also prime.

Primes used in the IKE

This section covers the primes used in the IKEv1, and IKEv2. This includes primes defined in the RFC7296 and RFC3526. In addition to those, there is two bigger groups which were not included in RFC3526 as they were considered too big (12288-bit and 16384-bit primes).

These primes have format that there is 64-bits of one in the beginning and in the end, and the middle bits are taken from Pi.

Code to generate the primes for PARI/GP is as follows:

  { ikeprime(b, k) =
    \\ Enough of Pi.
    epi = floor(Pi*2^(b-2*fixedbits-2)) + k;
    \\ Generate the number
    2^(b) - 2^(b-fixedbits) - 1 + epi*2^fixedbits
  \p 20000

Primes used in the TLS

This section covers the primes defined in draft-ietf-tls-negotiated-ff-dhe. This also include the 2432-bit prime that was removed in later versions of the draft, but which was there earlier.

These primes have format that there is 64-bits of one in the beginning and in the end, and the middle bits are taken from e.

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