Neverwinter Nights tools / Examples

Here are some examples how you can use the tools:

Getting started

First you need to unpack erf or module to separate files, this can be done using $ ./ --mkdir --dir cerea101t cerea101t.mod This will create directory called cerea101t and unpack all separate files there.

Print contents of data

The best way to start using the is to simply say: $ ./ --dialog ../nwn-server/dialog.tlk cereaadminbuildi.gitg | less which will then print out the whole file. The --dialog option can be used to give the dialog.tlk file name, so it can be used to convert string refs to the actual texts. If it is not given then those texts are printed only as string ref numbers.

Example of finding all creatures with plot with gffmatch

$ ./ *.git --include Creature --find-struct '^/Creature List\[\d+\]/$' --find '/Plot:=:^1$' --print-fields '/Creature List\[\d+\]/Tag$' The output will be:

adampcave.git: /Creature List[0]/Tag: MineManager
admhelperarea.git: /Creature List[0]/Tag: postneutral
admhelperarea.git: /Creature List[1]/Tag: postcommoner
admhelperarea.git: /Creature List[2]/Tag: postmerchant
admhelperarea.git: /Creature List[3]/Tag: postdefender
admhelperarea.git: /Creature List[4]/Tag: postbard

Here the --find-struct matches the structure we want to check for values, remember to put ^ and $ in the regexp to make sure we only match to the specific structure instead all childs of the structure.

The --find options can list matches which must be fullfilled. The format is regexp:=:regexp, where the first regexp matches the full field name, and second to the value.

The --print-fields is a regexp matching to the field names inside the structure matched. Those are printed from the structure matched if all the --find options matched too. It cannot print anything outside the matched structure (--find-struct).

The --include makes the process go faster, as it will skip parsing all other structures unless they have string Creature in them, i.e. it only parses the '/Creature List' array, and skips '/Door List', '/Placeable List' etc from the areas.

Remember that the --find-structure must match only those you really want, i.e. put it in form '^/Creature List\[\d\]/$'. Also remember that [ and ] have special meaning in the regexp, so you need to add \ in front of them when matching the array index (use \d+ to match any index in array). Remember that structure paths end to / so put that in the end before $.

When writing the --find regexp, remember that the label-regexp is the full label, including the struct path, i.e. use '/foo$' there without the ^ in the beginning, but do add $ to the end. Also when mathing the value use ^ in the beginning and $ in the end.

Checking if too files are identical

$ ./gffcmp --exclude-field TemplateResRef adamantitetwi002.uti adamantitetwinbl.uti will not print anything out as those two items are identical with all other cases than with the TemplateResRef. If you call it as gffdiff or give --diff option then it will print out all differences instead of just one.

Without the --exclude-field option it will print out following output:

$ ./ adamantitetwi002.uti adamantitetwinbl.uti
File adamantitetwinbl.uti do not match to base file :
Values of /TemplateResRef differ, adamantitetwi002 vs adamantitetwinbl

To extract all scripts from default bif files.

The following code will extract all scripts mentioned in the key files. Note, that you must be in the toplevel nwn directory, as othewise the keyunpack does not know how to find the bif files. $ ./ -d default-scripts -m -p '.*\.n[cs]s$' *.key Note, that this will read the key files in the order they are given in the command line, and if later version of the key file have other version of the script it will overwrite the old one. As the default nwn have 5 key files and giving them in alphabetical order happens to give them in right order (I guess chitin.key, xp1.key, xp1patch.key, xp2.key and xp2patch.key is the correct order), this will work.

To pack a module back together

$ ./ --dir cerea101t -m -o newcerea101t.mod will take everything from directory called cerea101t and creates a new module called newcerea101t.mod having all the stuff that was inside that directory.

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